KE expresses its ‘limitation’ towards implementing integration plan


ISLAMABAD: K-Electric has expressed its limitation in implementing the approved integration plan as it is unable to provide feedback on the test-run report.

Responding to the test-run report of the CPPA-G, K- Electric has requested separate deliberations with the CPPA-G and on KE integration plan by NEPRA as agreed by CPPA-G.

The Cabinet Committee on Energy (CCoE) recently approved the report, which was also ratified by the Cabinet.

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On May 31, 2022, NEPRA’s determination included: (i) grant of MO licence to the CPPA-G; (ii) approval of market commercial code for test run; and (iii) approval of six-month test run plan.

The actions encapsulated in the test plan had specific obligations assigned to the relevant power sector entities including the CPPA-G. Further, the CPPA-G was assigned the role of central coordinator/facilitator regarding the implementation of the test run plan.

In NEPRA’s determination (Section H) CPPA-G was directed to submit a final test-run report to the authority in consultation with relevant power sector entities. For this purpose, the CPPA-G held several consultative sessions during the test run phase to discuss findings and observations of the test run.

Accordingly, the CPPA-G prepared a final test-run report in consultation with the relevant power sector entities. The final report presents a cumulative status update of the test run phase and the aggregate status of activities starting June 2022.

The CPPA-G has submitted final test-run report documents to NEPAR for consideration including final test-run report and a revised market commercial code incorporating proposed amendments to the light of the final report.

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